Boy for Sale sexy hairy daddies Legrand Wolf, Jack Dixon and Lance Charger fucking hot boy Jesse Stone

Boy for Sale says: Legrand Wolf, Jesse Stone, Jack Dixon and Lance Charger star in this latest sordid episode. Master Jack Dixon was showing interest in buying Boy Jesse Stone.

Boys like him are something of a niche market with the alabaster white skin and a mix of blond on top and ginger below (when the Master allows them to grow out, of course). For the right buyer, a boy like him can go for a very high price to begin with, that Master Legrand had broken him in makes him even more valuable to the right buyer.

I started by presenting Jesse wearing only the regulation black jockstrap.

No fancy harnesses or briefs to get in the way of a fair appraisal.

I get out my measuring tape to start taking his numbers down and I can already tell he’s been well-trained.

My every touch, his nipples, his muscles, his treasure trail, all set off a tiny whimper.

These aren’t the sounds of pain or fear, but rather the gasps of a good slave boy who is as into his Master as his Master is into him! Read the full story here.

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