Sexy young nude dudes Jesse Carter and Sam Sivahn hardcore ass fucking

Bentley Race says: I just loaded this very hot scene between Melbourne mates Jesse Carter and Sam Sivahn. After I met the guys for their first solo shoots a few weeks ago, I suggested the guys do a scene together. And I’m really glad they agreed to it, because this turned in to one very hot afternoon of kissing and fucking in the studio.

These guys are really affectionate with lots of kissing as we begin the shoot out in the public hallway. As Sam starts sucking on Jesse’s cock I realise that we really should head inside so the guys can get completely naked.

After finishing up the photo shoot, I grabbed the video camera to film the guys stripping each other naked one more time before Sam bent Jesse over to lube up and start raw fucking his horny mate. Jesse ends up getting fucked from all different angles until Sam blows cum all over him.

This leaves our new mates totally exhausted on the bed. I see big things things for these guys on Bentley Race this summer. They are keen to come back and mix it up with our other sexy mates too. I’m going to be keeping these boys very busy.

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